A meta-analysis investigating the association between identities and pro-environmental behaviour

The past few years have been characterised by the climate crisis. Extreme weather events are increasing, particularly in the global south. It is slowly becoming apparent that we need large-scale behavioural change to mitigate this crisis. Fires, floods, hurricanes and climate related health issues require as dramatic a response as we are affording the current health crisis. For now, however, many do not view climate change with the same urgency as COVID-19. In this environment, how do we persuade people to take corrective action? We explore how to encourage pro-environmental behaviour (PEB) like reducing energy use in the home, using identity theory.

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A meta-analysis investigating the association between identities and pro-environmental behaviour

Sector: Cross cutting

Country / Region: Global

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In 1 user collection: Session 4b: Behaviour integration into energy modelling for policy development – 1

Knowledge Object: Publication / Report

Publishing year: 2020

Author: Alina M. Udall, Judith I. M. de. Groot, Simon B. de Jong, Avi Shankar


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