Fabiao Cumbe

Director of the EDM Academy

Fabiao Cumbe is the director of the EDM Academy.

EDM Academy is in charge of training and development, corporate archives and knowledge management, with focus on vocational, professional and leadership training. Fabaio Cumbe is a mechanical engineer and holder of MSc and PhD degrees in this field with over 20 years of experience with an bus assembly company, electricity utility regulator, consulting engineer, and in teaching and research. Cumbe specialises applied energy- thermal processes and energy planning and policy, including electricity supply industry regulation, technology, financial analysis, and development. He is a Professor at Eduardo Mondlane University and Zambeze University, responsible for undergraduate and graduate teaching and administrative management of the school of mechanical engineering department at Eduardo Mondlane University.

Fabiao Cumbe
Director of the EDM Academy

Electricidade de Moçambique


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