Itzel Alcérreca

Program Manager

Itzel Alcérreca is Program Manager on Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience at the Mexico City Ministry of Environment. She has experience with projects related with local governments climate change planning, renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable infrastructure, waste and water treatment at developing countries in collaboration with the Mexican Ministry of Environment (SEMARNAT), IDB, World Bank, British Embassy in Mexico, GIZ, UNEP, UNDP, U.S.EPA, WRI, among others. Itzel has been attending national and international conferences and workshops related to climate change and sustainable development. She has been an active NGO delegate for the local government’s constituency at the UNFCCC process in Mexico (COP16), South Africa (COP17), Qatar (COP18) and Poland (COP19); also at the UN Rio+20 process in Rio de Janeiro in 2012 and UN-HABITAT 7th World Urban Forum in 2014. Itzel has a Master degree on Project Management and a Bachelor degree on Chemistry from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

Itzel Alcérreca
Program Manager

Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience, Mexico City, Ministry of Environment


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